- Pogoda Berwen (Canterbury)
- Pogoda Berwick (Otago)
- Pogoda Bethlehem (Bay of Plenty)
- Pogoda Bexley (Canterbury)
- Pogoda Bexley (Canterbury)
- Pogoda Bideford (Wellington)
- Pogoda Big Omaha (Auckland)
- Pogoda Birch Hill (Marlborough)
- Pogoda Birchfield (West Coast)
- Pogoda Birchville (Wellington)
- Pogoda Birchwood (Southland)
- Pogoda Birkdale (Auckland)
- Pogoda Birkenhead (Auckland)
- Pogoda Bishopdale (Nelson)
- Pogoda Bishopdale (Canterbury)
- Pogoda Blackball (West Coast)
- Pogoda Blackburn (Hawke's Bay)
- Pogoda Blackpool (Auckland)
- Pogoda Blacks Point (West Coast)
- Pogoda Blackstone Hill (Otago)
- Pogoda Blackwater (West Coast)
- Pogoda Blaketown (West Coast)
- Pogoda Blenheim (Marlborough)
- Pogoda Blind River (Marlborough)
- Pogoda Blockhouse Bay (Auckland)
- Pogoda Bluespur (Otago)
- Pogoda Bluff (Southland)
- Pogoda Bluff Hill (Hawke's Bay)
- Pogoda Bog Roy (Canterbury)
- Pogoda Bombay (Auckland)
- Pogoda Bortons (Canterbury)
- Pogoda Botany Downs (Auckland)
- Pogoda Boulcott (Wellington)
- Pogoda Bradford (Otago)
- Pogoda Braeburn (Tasman)
- Pogoda Breaker Bay (Wellington)
- Pogoda Bridge Hill (Otago)
- Pogoda Brighams Creek (Auckland)
- Pogoda Brighton (Otago)
- Pogoda Brightwater (Tasman)
- Pogoda Broad Bay (Otago)
- Pogoda Broadmeadows (Wellington)
- Pogoda Broadwood (Northland)
- Pogoda Brockville (Otago)
- Pogoda Bromley (Canterbury)
- Pogoda Bromley (Canterbury)
- Pogoda Brookfield (Bay of Plenty)
- Pogoda Brooklands (Nelson)
- Pogoda Brooklands (Taranaki)
- Pogoda Brooklyn (Wellington)
- Pogoda Brooklyn (Tasman)
- Pogoda Brookside (Canterbury)
- Pogoda Broomfield (Canterbury)
- Pogoda Broughton Bay (Marlborough)
- Pogoda Brown Owl (Wellington)
- Pogoda Browns (Southland)
- Pogoda Browns Bay (Auckland)
- Pogoda Bruce Bay (West Coast)
- Pogoda Brunnerton (West Coast)
- Pogoda Brunswick (Manawatu-Wanganui)